Forney, TX 75126 | (214) 207-2827
Forney, TX 75126 | (214) 207-2827
Apartments or Condominiums Cleans
Efficiency apartment cleaning service starting at $99.00
Home Cleans
House cleaning service starting at $150.00 (starting at 1500 sq ft)
Currently, we are only cleaning houses up to 2000 square feet.
Here are a few things that are consider when giving out estimates:
*How well maintained is your home?
*How many bathrooms are in your home?
*Are the floors mostly tile, wood or carpet?
*Are there pets in the home?
*Are there many knickknacks on tables, counters or etc.?
*Are there a lot of items on the floor that need to be moved or picked up?
*Is this bi-weekly or monthly service?
Please keep in mind we are registered with the State of Texas and the IRS, insured, background checks have been processed by our insurance carrier and uniforms are worn.
We give 100% to Customer Satisfaction, read our Home Page for more details.
Texas Comptroller's Office requires us to charge Sales Tax of 8.25%, so this will be added to your bill.
Prices are subject to Change without notice.
We greatly appreciate YOUR business!
“We Don’t Cut Corners, We Clean Them.”
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